Michael Lin – Zonder titel - (Blinde Muren)

Curator - Joost Declercq
Pierre De Geyter street, Ghent, Belgium, 2008
The context
The 7th of June 2008, this artwork by Michael Lin was inaugurated in the Pierre De Geyterstraat at Ghent. This work is the last realisation in the series Blinde Muren (Blind Walls). The blind front wall of the social housing in this street turned out to be the perfect location for a work of art. An important aspect here is the variety of nationalities and the universality in these buildings. The wall wasn't very ugly, but there seemed to be a need for art that was understandable for everybody, and could bring more colour in to the neighbourhood. Before selecting an artist, the inhabitants and owners of the building made a portfolio of the neighbourhood, in cooperation with several city services. Important aspects were the history of this area, but also the space on itself. The main question was 'what can be the meaning of art in this neighbourhood?'
The commission
The work in the Pierre De Geyter street is typical Michael Lin; but here he limited the colours to one, in contrast with the red bricks. The design is very simple and refers to the textile factories that used to be located in this area.
Michel Lin
Michael Lin's work is worldwide known. He exhibited at the Biennale of Venice, the Biennale of Istanbul, SMAK in Ghent and the Palais de Tokyo in Paris. He prefers public space or frequently used areas instead of a formal museum for his work. Michael Lin has already made a lot of public artworks. He painted a tennis court in Honolulu and in the City Hall of The Hague he installed a spectacular painted floral floor. These are his trademarks: bright colours and floral patterns.