Unknown – Zwartberg

Genk, 2013
The context
In 2013, the project 'Art speaks', with the city of Genk, started. Geneticists were invited to participate via local media. Four existing works of art in Genk's public space will be examined during the project in terms of origin, artist, meaning, placement and patrons. At the same time, this research examines the relevance of these images for contemporary Genk. A number of groups of residents are given the opportunity to work around a selection of existing artworks and to form a well-founded opinion on the basis of their own research, supported by the knowledge of experienced curators. An opinion like this one goes further than just being able to say whether something is beautiful or not.
Armed with adequate information on which their opinion is based, they can explain to fellow Genk people the meaning and the reason why this image does or does not fit in the right place. In this way, a shared vision and social support is developed for future policy lines on art commissions in Genk.
A first project on mining monuments, with Pieter Vermeulen as mediator, has been completed.
The Zwartberg group from Genk paid a visit to Emscher Art in the Ruhr area to view art in a post-industrial environment.